
Future of HVAC 2017 Recap – Intelligent Buildings

The Premier Learning and Network Event

Operational Intelligence would like to thank all those that attended the AIRAH Future of HVAC Conference 2017 on September 13-14 at Doltone House in Pyrmont. Being the premier learning and networking event in AIRAH’s calendar, it was a great opportunity for industry members to come together and contemplate the technology, challenges and new approaches confronting the industry. The presentations by industry speakers covered everything from intelligent buildings through to big data, passive-house applications, transcritical CO2 refrigeration systems, and indoor environment quality, among other topics. Operational Intelligence speaker David Murray delivered a presentation focused on intelligent buildings and the current advancements of Building Information Modelling (BIM), particularly related to increasing energy efficiency, cost effectiveness and productivity and time savings for cities, buildings and workplaces.

Buildings and HVAC systems waste huge amounts of energy on a daily basis. Inefficient heating and air conditioning operating in silos are easy targets for cost reduction. Water use and lighting are others. By modeling utility and energy use systems, FMs can better understand where inefficiencies occur and then implement conservation measures and provide cost saving opportunities.

Smart buildings promise to improve efficiency by connecting these systems to reduce operating costs and increase the safety, productivity and quality of life of tenants and employees.

Operational Intelligence are consultant specialists in the intelligent integration of people, processes and systems to reduce energy intake and increase efficiencies, contact us to start working on a smart solution for you. We look forward to seeing you at the next event!

Attendees at the Conference
David Murray presenting at the Future of HVAC 2017
David Murray presenting at Future of HVAC Conference 2017
Photo courtesy of AIRAH



Operational Intelligence presenting BIM at Future of HVAC Conference 2017

Explore the advances, ideas, and innovations driving the future of HVAC.

Future of HVAC 2017 | 13 -14 September 2017, Sydney


Are you interested in finding out about the new technologies and materials driving the HVAC industry? Do you want to find out about what new innovative ideas the industry is drumming up? Interested in exploring the advances of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and how it can benefit your HVAC systems?

Now in its fifth year, the Future of HVAC Conference is the event for everyone wanting to see what opportunities are available in the HVAC industry’s future. It is the event to contemplate the challenges, technology, and bright new ideas that await. 13-14 November at the Doltone House Darling Island Wharf. 

Industry leaders will explore the advances, ideas, and innovations that are driving the HVAC industry’s future. The discussion will encompass not only new HVAC technologies and materials, but advances in future design processes, HVAC and smart grids, net-zero buildings, big data, and several other topics.

There are two days of discussions focused on the advances coming up in the HVAC industry, the advantages and how you can apply them.

Operational Intelligence, smart workplace expert David Murray will be presenting at the conference, speaking about Building Information Modeling (BIM), what is it and the opportunities that are available now because of this technological advance.

The problem that cities, buildings and workplaces currently face is that integrated buildings have moved beyond simple SCADA level integration, where extra-low voltage systems (ELVS) such as building automation, energy management, security and lighting are integrated on a common user interface.

Smart Buildings have the benefit of integrating building system data into a real-time 3D-rendered virtual model that allow the user to “walk” through their virtual building, clicking on assets and equipment as they go. This 3D model is built from the BIM file and is a single storage point for technical data, service information, commissioning records, and any relevant information associated with that asset. This data and document management benefits the construction teams and is tied to that asset for the life of the building, also benefiting the facility managers through the buildings lifecycle.

If you are struggling with multiple processes, systems and technologies and want to remove the headaches that comes along with this, come along and speak to Dave at the Future of HVAC conference, or contact us now.